Sal's podcasts in writing

The Blog

Read and Reflect

Sal’s Families Blog is a written version of her Families Podcast.

Read the posts, ask Sal questions, make comments and tell your story.

This space belongs to all of us. Sal writes from her own personal learning and experience and loves to hear your thoughts and questions, your story.


Money, money, money

Have you ever heard yourself say, “No you can’t have that. We can’t afford it!” or “Money doesn’t grow on trees you know!” or “Do you want to try paying the bills?!” It rolls off our tongues too easily. But is it really the best way to prepare our kids for managing...

Creating Tomorrow Today

Hugh Mckay, in his latest book, “What Makes us Tick”, tells us that human nature is ruled by a Law of Reciprocity. He means that I will treat others the way they treat me; or how I think they are going to treat me, or how people have treated me in the past. He...

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Check out Sal's Book